Tuesday, January 9, 2007

1.7 million-year-old cottage

1.7 million-year-old cottage surprise the scientific community. This cottage looks like the huts of Africa some time kini.Telah many findings which show that the age of Homo sapiens even earlier than 800 thousand years. One of them is the discovery of Louis Leakey in the early 1970s in Olduvai Gap. In this place, in the Bed II layer, Leakey discovered that the species Australopithecus, Homo habilis and Homo erectus lived in the same period. Even more interesting is a building that is also found in the same layer Leakey. Here, Leakey discovered the remains of stone huts. Unusual aspect of this event is that this building, which is still used in some areas in Africa, can only be built by Homo sapiens! So, according to Leakey findings, Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus and modern humans must live in the same period about 1.7 million years ago. These findings by a landslide to abort the theory of evolution which states that modern humans evolved from ape-like species such as Australopithecus. because in fact they hidupa the same era.