Thursday, January 11, 2007
Human hobbit
Recently discovered in Indonesia in the 18 000-year-old bones belong to a kind man with three feet of height on the island of Flores, Indonesia. Human hobbit, so scientists and the media called it. has the characteristic features of the smaller in humans in general. human hobbit discovery raises a dispute between ilmuwa. the dispute is the existence of other experts who support the views of the Indonesian scientists who objected to the proposed H. floresiensis as a separate species distinct from Homo sapiens. Leading scientists from a range of these is the Australian scientist Dr. And Dr. Maciej Henneberg. Alan Thorne, and researchers from the Chicago Field Museum in America.
A number of new arguments, as expressed by Indonesian scientists, confirmed that Flores Man may have suffered neurological disease known as microcephaly (disorders of the small size of the head). Secondary microcephaly have so many causes, ranging from viral infection during pregnancy to injury or malnutrition as a newborn. Specimens were found in a cave on an island. Who can say that the island had never been hit by virus outbreak 18 000 years ago that caused an outbreak of these disorders? Or maybe the inhabitants of [the island] has been hit by the epidemic elsewhere in the Indonesian archipelago, and been banished to Flores because of their odd appearance.
Or maybe just that those who developed secondary microcephaly can survive and even breed: abnormalities are not always linked to low intelligence. Actually, [the level of intelligence] is not caused by a small brain size: The most important determinant is the sum of [brain-colored] gray. Because this section is not preserved in the fossil remnants, we have no idea whether the "hobbits" were smart, stupid or indifferent. What is clear is that palaeontologists too eager to base a large claim on evidence that has been confirmed very low. This is a strong tendency not to help them in the past.
Another assessment by Henneberg that reveals surprising results about Flores Man is a calculation of the forearm bones (radius) are found in a cave. Of long bones, which are determined as 210 mm (8.3 inches), Henneberg calculated that the owner bertinggi body between 151 and 162 cm (4.9 to 5.3 feet). This figure is slightly larger than one meter (three feet) high that allegedly represents the size of Flores Man, and still within limits considered normal for human beings today. Henneberg announced the conclusion which he achieved as a result of this research:
"Until additional other bones of the 'new species' These allegations are discovered, I will still be stated that a condition that is very well known due to the penyakitlah which became the cause of special appearances from such order."
"What makes all things which he makes his best and began the creation of man from the ground. Then He made his progeny from the quintessence humble water (semen). Then He breathed into perfecting and (body) of his spirit (creation) of His and He made for you hearing, sight and hearts, (but) you little thanks. " (Qur'an, 32: 7-9)