Monday, January 1, 2007

Fenomena terhadap Sains

Allahu Akbar

Science is amazing ..

Ability to uncover a variety of life's mysteries. Search for alternative energy, treat disease, explore space, and even create artificial living beings. All the wonders of science that makes us wonder.

But not all of life's mysteries can be solved. There are still many other phenomena that can not be answered by science. Livescience.Con reported that there were 10 a phenomenon that has yet to be explained scientifically. What is? Let's see. Who knows you want to add it.

Taos hum Residents and visitors to the small town of Taos in New Mexico for years plagued by a strange hum. The low frequency sound echo across the desert air. Interestingly, only 2 percent of local residents who heard the voice. Some people believe that sound is caused by an unusual vibration. To this day the mystery of this strange buzzing yet nevertheless lingers.

1. Bigfoot. For decades a large creature reported findings haired, big-footed and left traces in all regions in America. There are even eye witnesses as well. Funny thing is, there are no findings in the form of organ pieces altogether. Only the form of photographs and film recordings. Same with the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot by the majority of people considered to be a myth. Its existence has not been proven scientifically.
2. Intuition Some people call it a "sixth sense". Almost everyone has experienced using either intentionally or not intuition. For example when we feel there is something wrong, it was true. Psychology study analyzed the human ability to recognize an event to gather information about. We can know about something without understanding how. But there has been no explanation nevertheless acceptable in the world of science about this.
3. Disappear In Mysterious Man could be lost for many reasons. Escape, accident, killed, and can still be found. But there are some cases where people mysteriously disappeared. Call it a Spanish ship crew of Marie Celeste, Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earthart and Natalee Holloway. The names are of people who vanished without a trace. Yet there is also a scientific explanation of this mystery.
4. Ghosts From the works of Shakespeare, Machbet, until recent television variety show, always menceritakaan yangsudah the spirits of people died. Throughout the world, perbagai countries, people believe in ghosts. Ghost hunters and most Anyar technology tries to explain scientifically about these creatures. Unfortunately, there is still no acceptable explanation of human knowledge.
5. Déjà vu Derived from the French meaning "never seen", feeling of déjà vu is the event which we feel have experienced the same events in the past. Almost all people experience it. Some regard it as in a previous life experiences. The psychologists tried to explain it naturalistically. But this incident remains a mystery.
6. UFOs It is undeniable that so many people testify to report the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), From flying saucers to the bald-headed creature with the eyes lengthwise. Astronomers believe that the meteors came from outer space. But if anyone living out there? A question not yet answered by science.
7. Almost Dead Experience and Life After Death In Indonesia, the technical term suspended animation, dead for a moment and returned to life. Apparently this incident experienced by humans in all continents of the world. This experience is about the average observed in the blinding light on the way to the afterlife. Skeptics consider it only as halunisasi. Religious people who believe that it is God's light. The scientific explanation? Yet exist.
8. Psychic Strength This is a strength in excess of intuition, where one can predict what will happen in the future. Part of getting out of a dream or a sudden get a vision about what will happen. In Indonesia, known as a mystic or shaman or seer. This strength also can not be analyzed scientifically.