In another interesting incident, a small dazzling transforming orb was sighted in the skies of India. It was spotted by an executive of a private company who filmed it on his camcorder and showed it to the M. P. Birla Planetarium Director Dr. D. P. Duari.
Dr. Duari described the object as very bright, changing shape from a triangle into a sphere and then a straight line while emitting various colours at 30 degrees on the eastern horizon. "No natural phenomenon is likely to last for such a long duration and it is not a meteor either, It is extremely interesting and strange," Duari said.
Very similar objects has been seen and described worldwide. Transforming from a sphere to a triangle then back to a sphere and usually in a stationary position. There have also been reports of small orbs flying close to the ground and causing ground and crop disturbances.
I have been observing these reports for many years and it is alarming to me the number of recent sightings as well as the information forwarded by regular people. Is the flying orb activity not as frequent has I state and just the result of better technology available to the public? Maybe…but then again, that is a good thing in my opinion. I do take heart that there may actually be something out there. Recent “X-File” disclosures by a few governments have confirmed that we are not alone in this universe and that the phenomena we are seeing may not be a figment of our imaginations. In the meantime, we need to insist that more disclosure be made available and that sightings be investigated thoroughly.