Saturday, January 13, 2007

The New Orb UFO / Anomaly Flap

The following reports were submitted to the MUFON CMS within the past 24 hours. These are just a small example of recent (since last winter) orb and circle shaped sightings that have occurred worldwide. In particular, the number of described 'orange orb' sightings has increased tremendously. Granted, some of these could very well be Chinese lanterns...but I'm willing state that a majority of these sightings are legit unknown anomalies.

As well, the number of 'orb' sightings/photos has also increased dramatically. I literally receive 10-20 emails per week with photos of the objects attached. Are these simply moisture on the lens...light reflection...etc.? Or...are we starting to see a pattern of anomalous energy provided by unknown entities or sources? I've included several photos I have received over the past few years.

MUFON CMS - CSU Foothills Campus: Was taking photos of the night sky on LaPorte Avenue, near the CSU Foothills Campus and this appeared very briefly, perhaps for a second or two. Just a flash of light in an otherwise moonless and dark night at my location. This 'orb' didn't move, simply appeared and disappeared in the same spot.

Due to the long duration of my camera's exposures, it was able to capture the image.

MUFON CMS - East Falmouth, Massachusetts: My mother lives on a saltwater pond about 1/2 mile width in East Falmouth. She was awoken at 3:20AM on 7/2/10 by a very bright ("sparkling like a diamond, but brighter" as she puts it) white star-like radiant object hovering above the tree line across the pond from her house. She indicates it was the size of a silver dollar if held out at arms length and 4 finger widths above the tree tops. The light caused a wide V shaped reflection on the pond as if the full moon were shining on the pond but wider. The sky was clear. There were no noises.

The object hovered for approximately 1 minute upon which it moved approximately 1/4 mile to the left (South) and then a 90 degree angle straight vertical into the air and disappeared. The time elapsed between the moment it started moving, turned 90 degrees vertical and disappeared was approximately 2 seconds.

Distance was hard to deduce from our conversation and her experience but her estimates are that it was not too far beyond the trees that start 1/2 mile across the pond from her house.

I looked on Google Earth and if a line was drawn from the observation point to the object a few notable landmarks fall on this line in its path disregarding the variable of distance:

1 - Sand and Gravel Pit/Mine - Lawrence-Lynch Materials Corp. is located directly on the observation line at 396 Gifford Ave, Falmouth, Massachusetts.

2 - Beebe Woods with a kettle pond directly on the observation line.

3 - Otis Air Force Base - approximately 6 miles NE of observation point, not on the observation line but interesting.

4 - A large radio tower about 1/3 of a mile south of the observation line.

Mufon Case 24094 in Augusta ME witnessed two similar objects hours earlier on 7/1/10 at 10:30pm demonstrate exact same object/s and behavior per my mothers review of that case, but she did not see two objects as that case indicated, just one object.

MUFON CMS - California: My lady friend and me were walking home from somewhere. When we were in the pre-school parking lot I saw my lady friend look up. Then I looked up seconds later, and I saw a perfectly round disc shaped object directly over my head. As soon as I saw it it was already speeding away straight up. Actually I just got a glimps of it, but could see it had pink and violet swirls on it that seemed to be alive. It measured about 2 feet in diameter. It quickly disappeared into space.

In January 2008, I wrote a post on the increased orb activity worldwide. This activity seemed to wane a bit until this current flap of orb sightings.